This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
Animating Liturgy
25/10/2023This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
This course is aimed for those involved in liturgical music animation or those interested in this ministry so that they enrich their knowledge and practice in this field. They will appreciate more what animation is and acquire the necessary skills required for this ministry. Participants will reflect on the aspects of the role of a liturgical animator, become aware of the musical and singing abilities required, learn about the seasons of the liturgical year and the respective repertoire, amongst other topics. The course will concentrate on the animation of Eucharist celebration and other moments of prayer like the liturgy of the hours and Eucharistic adoration.
Those involved in liturgical animation and those interested in taking up this ministry.
Target Audience Age: 18+
The course will take place on Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Ta’ Mlit Pastoral Centre, Mosta.
Date | Session |
6th November 2024 | What is Liturgical Animation? |
13th November 2024 | Music and Singing in the Liturgy |
20th November 2024 | Musical Animation in the Mass |
27th November 2024 | Animation of the Office of the Hours and Other Liturgical Moments |
4th December 2024 | Technology and Animation |
11th December 2024 | Practical Seminar |
This course has three exit certificate options:
- Certificate of Attendance
The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course. - Certificate of Participation
The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when sitting and successfully compete and pass the short multiple-choice questions online exam which will be available on the Moodle platform. - Certificate of Achievement
To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must attend a minimum 80% of all contact hours and pass the short multiple-choice online exam practical and viva session.
This course is delivered by the Akkademja tal-Mużika Sagra Francesco Azzopardi in collaboration with the Pastoral Formation Institute.
Introduction to Youth Ministry
25/10/2023This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
This course will serve as an introduction and foundation for youth ministry. Youth ministers, youth leaders and animators will reflect on who they are, their journey of faith and the call of being a youth minister/youth leader/animator in today’s society. This will involve a discussion on ‘tools’ that believers should have to live faith.
- Serving youth ministers/youth leaders/animators
- Youth aspiring to become youth ministers/youth leaders/animators
Target Audience Age: 16+
This course has two exit certificate options:
1. Certificate of Attendance
A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to students who have attended at least 80% of contact hours for this course.
2. Certificate of Achievement
A Certificate of Achievement will be awarded to students who have attended at least 80% of contact hours for this course and successfully complete and pass written assessment.
Digital: Applicants are required to be digitally literate, including knowing how to access the internet and use office suite software.
The Jubilee – Pilgrims of Hope
25/10/2023This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
This course aims to help participants to prepare themselves and be able to prepare others for The Jubilee of 2025, centred around the theme of hope.
Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the biblical foundations of the words “jubilee,” “hope,” and “pilgrimage”. The course will delve into the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis on the subject of hope. A dedicated session will be devoted to applying the concept of Jubilee in our contemporary context and understanding its relevance to the Church’s mission of Evangelisation.
- Pastoral Workers
- Individuals interested to prepare for the jubilee
Target Audience Age: 18+
This course has three exit certificate options:
Certificate of Attendance
The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course.
Certificate of Participation
The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course and pass from short multiple-choice exam.
Certificate of Achievement
To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must:
- attend a minimum 80% of all contact hours
- pass from short multiple-choice exam
- pass from written assessment
Language: Applicants must be fluent in English and have basic proficiency in Maltese.
Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate, especially on how to access the internet and use office suites.
The Organ in the Liturgy
25/10/2023This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
This course is aimed at those who already play the organ in our churches or those interested in starting this ministry, to help strengthen their understanding of the organist’s role. One or two sessions will be held in different churches, providing participants with the opportunity to practise on organs of various styles, models, and eras. Attendees will learn about the organ’s central place in the liturgy, its structure and maintenance, the art of registration, and the art of improvisation within the liturgy.
Organists and keyboard players who are interested in playing the organ during liturgy
Target Audience Age: 18+
The course will take place on Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date | Session | Venue |
29th January 2025 | The Organ in the Liturgy | Archbishops’ Seminary |
5th February 2025 | The Structure and Maintenance of the Organ | Naxxar Parish Church |
12th February 2025 | Playing the Organ | Archbishops’ Seminary |
19th February 2025 | The Art of Registration | Archbishops’ Seminary |
26th February 2025 | The Organ as Accompaniment to the Cantor and Congregation | Archbishops’ Seminary |
12th March 2025 | The Art of Improvisation in Liturgy | Archbishops’ Seminary |
This course has three exit certificate options:
- Certificate of Attendance
The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course. - Certificate of Achievement
The student will receive a Certificate of Achievement when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course, as well as after passing a short practical examination.
This course is delivered by the Akkademja tal-Mużika Sagra Francesco Azzopardi in collaboration with the Pastoral Formation Institute.
Applicants must be proficient in both Maltese and English. They must also have a minimum of grade 6 standard in a keyboard instrument (piano or organ).
A copy of the certificate indicating achievement of minimum grade 6 standard must be uploaded in the application form below.
Introduction to Parish Ministry
25/10/2023This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
“If the parish proves capable of self-renewal and constant adaptivity, it continues to be ‘the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters”
Pope Francis.
Throughout this course, participants will explore the parish as a significant symbol of God’s presence in our community. The course will start by delving into the contemporary reality of today’s parish. Participants will then proceed to learn about the different roles within the Church; identifying the decision-making bodies of the Church and different ministries in a parish, highlighting the importance of everyone’s participation. This will include a discussion on effective teamwork and service to others. Attendees will then be introduced to the principles of communal discernment, examining its definition, tools, and practical applications. The course will conclude by presenting a model of communal discernment, elucidating the different roles within it, and outlining the composition of discerning groups.
Specifically tailored for those actively involved in parish ministry, the course seeks to inspire a deeper commitment to the renewal of parishes, aligning them as vibrant evangelizing entities in today’s society, guided by recent teachings on parish life.
- Pastoral Workers, especially those involved in decision-making bodies.
- Individuals interested in the subject
Target Audience Age: 19+
This course has three exit certificate options:
1. Certificates of Attendance
The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum 80% of all
contact hours for this course.
2. Certificate of Participation
The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum 80% of all
contact hours for this course and passing from short multiple-choice online exam.
3. Certificate of Achievement
The student will receive a Certificate of Achievement when:
- attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours
- passing short multiple-choice online exams and written assessment
Language: Applicants are required to have an understanding of Maltese and be fluent in English.
Digital: Applicants are required to be digitally literate especially, in office suites.
Introduction to Diakonia
25/10/2023This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
This online course will explore the roots of Diakonia in Sacred Scripture and early Christian communities. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the relationship between Diakonia, faith, and prayer while delving into key areas of Catholic Social Teaching. Additionally, participants will examine the evolution of Diakonia in Malta and learn about available services.
This course is intended for:
- Individuals who are already involved in Diakonia and wish to deepen their involvement in it.
- Individuals who are interested in becoming involved in Diakonia.
- Individuals who are interested in offering Diakonia-related services through a Church entity that they form part of.
N.B. completing this course does not entitle the student to automatically become a pastoral operator engaged in Djakonija within any specific parish. Such appointments are made at the discretion of the Parish Priest/Chaplain of the respective Parish/community.
Target Audience Age: 18+
The course will be delivered entirely through a series of pre-recorded lectures accessible on our VLE platform at a time and place convenient for you.
In these pre-recorded lectures, the following subjects will be covered:
- Biblical meaning of the word Diakonia and the word in the Old Testament;
- Djakonija in the New Testament with special reference to Acts;
- Djakonija in the first communities – the link between kerygma, koinonia, diakonia and liturgia;
- Personal prayer life leads me to Diakonia;
- The link between faith and life is one of the cornerstones of Christian theology and can be described in a variety of ways. For St Paul, “the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”;
- Evangelisation, djakonija and the digital age;
- Malta’s reality has changed – what are today’s sociological ‘pains’?;
- The Preferential Option for the Poor & the four pillars of Catholic social teaching; human dignity common good, subsidiarity and solidarity;
- How the Church in Malta was a pioneer in the Diakonia sector;
- What Diakonia services are being offered today? What are the different types of professionals working in this field?
This course has three exit certificate options:
- Certificate of Attendance
The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon viewing all pre-recorded lectures on our VLE platform.
2. Certificate of Participation
The student will receive a Certificate of Participation upon viewing all pre-recorded lectures on our VLE platform and passing short multiple-choice examinations.
3. Certificate of Achievement
The student will receive a Certificate of Achievement upon viewing all pre-recorded lectures on our VLE platform, passing a short multiple-choice examination, and passing from a written assignment.
Language: A primary level understanding of Maltese and English is required.
Digital: Ability to access the internet and use an office suite is required.
Introduction to Catechetical Ministry for Children
21/10/2023This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
This blended course is designed to form and support catechists who seek to deepen their understanding of the fundamental tenets of the Catholic Faith in preparation for their service towards their parish. By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the core theological concepts that underpin catechetical ministry and will be equipped with essential practical skills for effective service in this ministry.
Catechists who teach children and adolescents.
Target Audience Age: 18+
Module 1 – Faith Foundation for Ministry
This module provides a basic introduction to Christian theology. Participants will explore fundamental scriptural, dogmatic, ecclesiological, and ethical theological concepts that guide the evangelising mission of the Church. By the end of the module, learners will be familiar with the sources of theology and will gain a basic understanding of the main areas of Christian theology.
This module will be offered entirely online, allowing you to complete it at your own pace and on your own schedule.
This module can be applied for and completed on its own. If you wish to take this module separately from Introduction to Catechetical Ministry, please apply here:
Module 2 – Basic Themes in Catechetical Ministry for Children
This module will enable participants to construct a holistic vision of catechetical ministry, one that responds to contemporary needs, through the exploration of various areas of knowledge and skills essential for the formation of catechetical ministers. These areas include the theoretical and practical aspects of basic catechetical principles, catechetical methodology including lesson planning, exploration of relevant social sciences, and addressing the needs of children with diverse social and/or psychological needs.
This module will be offered entirely online, allowing you to complete it at your own pace and on your own schedule.
This module can be applied for and completed on its own. If you wish to take this module separately from Introduction to Catechetical Ministry, please apply here:
Module 3 – Catechetical Ministry for Children
These sessions will be held from 9:30am – 12:00pm
These sessions will be held at Archbishops’ Curia, Floriana
Date | Session |
1st February 2025 | Getting to Know Who We Are Accompanying |
8th March 2025 | Catechesis in The Digital Era: Practical Aspects |
12th April 2025 | Sacred Scripture |
10th May 2025 | The Moral and Social Teaching of the Church |
Module 4 – Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults
This module delves into the essential principles of safeguarding, focusing on creating safe environments for children, young people, and vulnerable adults. By the module’s conclusion, students will be well-versed in safeguarding policies, understand the core principles underlying safeguarding, and recognize various types of abuse along with their signs and symptoms. They will also learn how to handle disclosures of abuse, maintain professional boundaries, identify poor practices, and comprehend their legal obligations under the Protection of Minors (Registration) Act (2011) and the Minors Protection Act (2019).
This module will be offered in-person from February 2025.
This module can be applied for and completed on its own. If you wish to take this module separately from Introduction to Catechetical Ministry, please apply here:
This course has two exit certificate options:
- Certificate of Participation
- attend all in-person seminars;
- pass short multiple-choice online exams, where applicable
2. Certificate of Achievement
To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students need to:
- attend all in-person seminars;
- pass the short multiple-choice online exams, where applicable
- and successfully complete a written assignment, where applicable
Final Awards: Introduction to Catechetical Ministry & Award in Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults
Teaching Institution/s: Pastoral Formation Institute in collaboration with Lifelong Catechesis, and Safeguarding Commission
Digital competences:
Applicants are required to have basic computer literacy, mainly how to access and use an internet browser and use a word processor
Language competences:
The student is required to have at least primary school level of Maltese and English.
Applicants who have an MQF/EQF level 4 (or higher) in Theology or Religious Studies, or have a General Education Award in Evangelisation, will be exempted from Module 1 – Faith Foundation for Ministry. Applicants are required to send a copy of their qualifications to [email protected] upon application. A formal email is sent to applicants once the qualifications are reviewed.
Applicants who have an Award in Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults are exempt from Module 3 – Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults. Applicants are required to send a copy of their qualifications to [email protected] upon application. A formal email is sent to applicants once the qualifications are reviewed.
Faith Foundations for Ministry
21/10/2023This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
This module offers a basic introduction to key themes of the main areas of Christian theology. These include fundamental, scriptural, dogmatic, ecclesiological, and ethical theological concepts guiding the evangelising mission of the Church.
By the end of the module the learner will have:
- become aware of what the sources of theology are;
- gained a basic understanding of the main areas of Christian theology.
This course is intended to form and support adults who wish to become better acquainted with the basic tenets of the Catholic Faith. This course is offered in asynchronous learning mode as a foundation course before applying for other courses offered by the Pastoral Formation Institute.
Adults who do not have an academic theological background and wish to widen their knowledge on the Catholic Faith.
Target Audience Age: 18+
Topic | Lecturer |
The Sacred Scriptures | Mr Edward Wright |
The Scriptures, Tradition and Magisterium | Mr Edward Wright |
The Christian doctrine of God of Jesus Christ | Ms Dorianne Cassar |
The Holy Spirit | Dr Dorianne Buttigieg |
The Church as the builder of the Kingdom of God | Mr Edward Wright |
The Meaning of the Sacraments and the Liturgy | Rev. Stephen Attard |
The Catholic Social Teaching of the Church | Rev. Dr Carlo Calleja |
Applicants will have access to this material on the PFI`s Moodle Portal. The module is delivered in short, recorded sessions which are each about 15 minutes long. The students will be provided with a username and a password so they can watch these sessions on their own devices. The total number of minutes amounts to 8 hours.
The course will be offered in October 2023. Usernames and passwords will be sent to students within a week of payment confirmation.
This course has two exit certificate options:
- Certificate of Participation
To obtain a Certificate of Participation need to watch all the online material and successfully complete all the short multiple-choice exams.
2. Certificate of Achievement
To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students need to:
- pass the short multiple-choice online exams;
- and successfully complete a written assignment;
An electronic certificate will be sent via email, within a week of successfully completing the course.
Click here to view the PFI’s Grading System
AFF Level: Level 4
Total Credits: 1 Credit
Teaching and Awarding Institution: Pastoral Formation Institute
Qualifications: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.
Language: Primary level understanding of Maltese and English.
Digital: Knows how to access the internet and use a word processor.
(MT) Emotional Support In The Community: Basic Skills for Pastoral Workers
09/10/2023For the version in English, please refer to:
This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:
The aim of this course is to empower individuals without academic backgrounds in psychology, such as pastoral workers, volunteers, and others interested in enhancing their fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes for interacting effectively with parishioners or others. This course introduces participants to helping skills, theories, and approaches.
Through study and discussion, students gain awareness of tools that assist them in their work with people from diverse cultural and social backgrounds. The course provides an opportunity to reflect on methods used in their work and relationships and evaluate their effectiveness.
By the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Understand the basic theories and skills of helping.
- Know how to listen and respond appropriately.
- Provide emotional and spiritual support.
- Identify when to refer someone to professional help.
Individuals without an academic background in psychology, including:
- Those who regularly provide support and companionship to colleagues and friends in their workplace, family, etc.
- Pastoral workers, volunteers, or individuals who interact with people in need or visit residential homes.
Target Audience Age: 18+
In this session, participants will explore pastoral work’s helping skills, including active listening, providing support, and validating feelings.
In this session, participants will discuss the crucial skill of empathy in assisting others. Participants will have the opportunity to practice this skill during the session. Additionally, participants will thoroughly explore the practice of maintaining boundaries, as clear and established limits in our work contribute to safe and effective connections.
In this session, participants will cultivate self-awareness; they will be prompted to reflect on and acknowledge their strengths, challenges, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions.
In this session, participants will explore their own spiritual journey and recognize its manifestations in their personal lives and within the community. It will delve into cultural diversity, other religious denominations, and spiritual practices within the parish, examining their impact on individual and community life. Additionally, the session will address spiritual accompaniment and religious practices, differentiating between them and exploring their potential synergy.
In this session, participants will learn when to refer individuals to professional help, understand the significance of confidentiality in pastoral work, and recognize the boundaries of confidentiality.
The course will take place on Mondays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Date | Session |
7th October 2024 | Learning how to listen, contain and validate feelings |
14th October 2024 | Learning how to empathise while keeping healthy boundaries |
21st October 2024 | Learning how to support others emotionally as a pastoral worker/non-professional |
28th October 2024 | How to support others spiritually as a pastoral worker/non-professional |
4th November 2024 | Learning when, where and how to refer someone to professional help |
This course has three exit certificate options:
- Certificate of Attendance
To obtain a Certificate of Attendance, students must 80% of course contact hours.
2. Certificate of Participation
To obtain a Certificate of Participation, students must attend 80% of course contact hours and pass the short multiple-choice online exam.
3. Certificate of Achievement
To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must:
- attend 80% of course contact hours;
- pass the short multiple-choice online exam;
- and successfully complete a Case Study Analysis;
Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.
Language: Participants must have a primary level understanding of Maltese and English.
Digital: Participants must know how to access the internet and use office suites.