This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:

This module offers a basic introduction to key themes of the main areas of Christian theology. These include fundamental, scriptural, dogmatic, ecclesiological, and ethical theological concepts guiding the evangelising mission of the Church.

By the end of the module the learner will have:
  • become aware of what the sources of theology are;
  • gained a basic understanding of the main areas of Christian theology.

This course is intended to form and support adults who wish to become better acquainted with the basic tenets of the Catholic Faith. This course is offered in asynchronous learning mode as a foundation course before applying for other courses offered by the Pastoral Formation Institute.

Adults who do not have an academic theological background and wish to widen their knowledge on the Catholic Faith. 

Target Audience Age: 18+

The Sacred ScripturesMr Edward Wright
The Scriptures, Tradition and MagisteriumMr Edward Wright
The Christian doctrine of God of Jesus ChristMs Dorianne Cassar
The Holy SpiritDr Dorianne Buttigieg
The Church as the builder of the Kingdom of God Mr Edward Wright
The Meaning of the Sacraments and the LiturgyRev. Stephen Attard
The Catholic Social Teaching of the Church Rev. Dr Carlo Calleja


Applicants will have access to this material on the PFI`s Moodle Portal. The module is delivered in short, recorded sessions which are each about 15 minutes long. The students will be provided with a username and a password so they can watch these sessions on their own devices. The total number of minutes amounts to 8 hours.

The course will be offered in October 2023. Usernames and passwords will be sent to students within a week of payment confirmation.

This course has two exit certificate options: 
  1. Certificate of Participation

To obtain a Certificate of Participation need to watch all the online material and successfully complete all the short multiple-choice exams. 

2. Certificate of Achievement 

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students need to: 

  • pass the short multiple-choice online exams; 
  • and successfully complete a written assignment;

An electronic certificate will be sent via email, within a week of successfully completing the course.

Click here to view the PFI`s Grading System

AFF Level: Level 4

Total Credits: 1 Credit

Teaching and Awarding Institution: Pastoral Formation Institute

Qualifications: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Language: Primary level understanding of Maltese and English.

Digital: Knows how to access the internet and use a word processor.


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