More than 400 people have successfully completed the courses offered during the last academic year for the Pastoral Formation Institute (PFI).
The annual graduation ceremony took place on Friday 25 November 2022 and was led by the Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi. The ceremony began with a mass of thanksgiving, during which the Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi, gave the homily.

“Hemm bżonn ta’ nies iffurmati li jistgħu jagħtu kontribut validu lis-soċjetà Maltija. Nissuġġerilkom ħafna wkoll li tagħtu kontribut speċjalment permezz ta’ etika konsistenti favur id-dinjità u l-ħajja ta’ kull bniedem”
“Hemm bżonn li aħna lkoll naħdmu kontra dak kollu li jġib fix-xejn id-dinjità tal-persuna umana bħalma hi l-vjolenza fl-iktar post li suppost hemm intimità.”
The full homily was given in Maltese, and can be read on the archdiocese’s website; The thanksgiving mass was followed by the presentation of the certificates
Among the courses offered were in the field of catechism, the roots of the Christian faith in Judaism, theology, pastoral care in schools, and the discovery of faith through art. Some courses are also recognised by the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Graduation Photos
Graduates can view and purchase their photos from the archdiocese website;