Always Searching For More

“I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”

sang Bono in the 1980’s.

At times we’ve all had the feeling that, even though we have experienced success, pleasure, and happiness – something, somehow, remains missing. Is this restlessness that we feel, but cannot quite articulate, universal?

Some see this restlessness as an ‘anomalous’ reality. Some go as far as attaching to it the adjective ‘god-hole’ – a space that is presumably reserved for the transcendent and that can only be fully satisfied by “transcendence”. But what would God – the transcendent – mean in this context? And what does it mean when we say that one has “a desire for God”? 

The aim of this Series of Events is to explore the nature of human desire for the transcendent. This shall be done by reflecting upon a number of realities which we, as human beings, are persistently faced by. Such realities range from:

  1. the burden of human suffering, imperfection, and finitude,
  2. the natural desire that humans have for “more” (i.e. for “religions” and “myth”),
  3. and the capacity of desire to act both as a guide toward self-flourishing and as a guide toward discovering the divine”.

All those joining shall be invited to discuss and reflect together with the speakers!

The speakers will explore the themes by making reference to a number of chosen philosophical texts.

Speakers: Rev. Prof Mark Sultana (PhD in Philosophy) & Ms Mariana Debono (MA in Philosophy),

Join us

Dates: 25th November 2023 | 16th December 2023 | 6th January 2024

Time: 21:00 – 22:00

Venue: Kixott Bar, 169 Triq Il-Kbira Mosta, MST 1015