
Riflessjonijiet online dwar il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa


Il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa li tiġbor fiha l-jiem minn Ħadd il-Palm sa Ħadd il-Għid hija l-fus li fuqu ddur is-sena liturġika kollha tal-ħajja nisranija. Fil-ħajja tiegħU fuq l-art, kienu l-jiem li fihom Ġesù nnifsu wasal għal dik li huwa stess sejħilha s-Siegħa tiegħu.

Għalhekk l-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali ħaseb biex joffri tliet mixjiet; mixja spiritwali, mixja liturġika u mixja bibblika tul din il-Ġimgħa. Kull mixja hi magħmulha min-numru ta’ filmati li jakkumpanjaw lill-parteċipanti tul il-ġranet tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa. Dawn il-filmati jistgħu jiġu segwiti bil-kumdità, x’ħin u fejn wieħed irid.  

Ejja nidħlu dejjem iktar fil-qalba ta’ dan il-misteru kbir – il-passjoni, l-mewt u l-qawmien ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu.

Il-Passjoni ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu skont San Mark – Esiġeżi u Riflessjoni

Ir-rakkont tal-Passjoni skont San Mark joħroġ biċ-ċar it-tema tad-dixxipulat li l-qarrej jiltaqa’ magħha sa mill-bidu tal-Vanġelu u tilħaq il-qofol tagħha fl-esklamazzjoni taċ-ċenturjun fil-mument tal-mewt ta’ Ġesù fuq is-Salib “Dan tassew kien l-Iben ta’ Alla!” Din l-istqarrija ta’ wieħed pagan, barra l-belt ta’ Ġerusalemm, turina ħafna fuq il-proċess tat-twemmin fil-Mulej Ġesù. Hu biss meta timxi wara Ġesù, u li tkun miegħu waqt il-passjoni u l-mewt tiegħu waqt li ‘tmut’ miegħu, li tkun tista’ mbagħad tarah tassew bħala l-Iben ta’ Alla.

Matul il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa, din l-esiġeżi se tkun offruta permezz ta’ 6 filmati lill-parteċipanti biex jekk jixtiequ jkunu jistgħu jieqfu ftit tul il-ġurnata, u jirriflettu, jitolbu u jinżlu fil-fond permezz ta’ dan it-test qaddis, aħna u niċċelebraw il-passjoni, il-mewt u l-qawmien ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu.

Riflessjonijiet Liturġiċi tul il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa

Din ir-riflessjoni se teħodna tul mixja liturġika fl-iktar ġimgħa importanti tas-sena liturġika, li tibda minn Ħadd il-Palm, it-Tnejn, it-Tlieta u l-Erbgħa tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa, Ħamis ix-Xirka, il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira, Sibt il-Għid u Ħadd il-Għid. Se nimxu tul din il-Ġimgħa permezz ta’ analiżi, spjega u riflessjoni liturġika.

Se nesploraw is-sinifikat liturġiku tar-riti u ċerimonji varji li nsibu fiċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet ta’ din il-Ġimgħa u se nimxu ‘l hinn mill-artistrija u l-enfażi kulturali marbuta ma’ din il-Ġimgħa biex niskopru l-veru sens warajhom.

Fi tmiem tar-riflessjonijiet min ikun mexa din il-mixja kollha għandu jasal biex jifhem b’mod iktar aħjar u sħiħ il-liturġija ċċelebrata tul din il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa.

Riflessjoni Spiritwali dwar il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa

Il-mixja spiritwali ta’ kull Nisrani hija relatata mat-tbatija li għadda minnha Ġesù, speċjalment fil-mumenti tat-tradiment, solitudni, ġudizzju, biża’ u deċiżjonijiet diffiċli.

Permezz ta’ 14-il vidjow qasir, ser naraw l-aspetti spiritwali u profondi tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa biex inkunu nistgħu nifhmu iktar dan il-Misteru tas-Salvazzjoni hekk kbir u importanti fil-ħajja Nisranija. Nibdew minn Ħadd il-Palm u d-daħla lejn Ġerusalemm (il-belt il-maħbuba li ma taċċettax l-imħabba), it-twaqqif tal-Ewkaristija f’Ħamis ix-Xirka u t-tifsira tal-ħasil tar-riġlejn, is-silenzju fil-Ġimgħa l-Kbira, l-istennija ma’ Marija s-Sibt filgħodu, it-tiġdid fil-velja tal-Għid bis-simboli tan-nar (id-dawl tal-ħajja), l-ilma li jippurifika lejn il-Glorja ta’ Sibt il-Għid u Ħadd il-Għid.

L-għan huwa li l-parteċipanti jaslu għall-għarfien tal-Qawmien, il-konsolazzjoni u tiġdid spiritwali u jagħrfu l-umiltà u l-għotja ta’ Ġesù fil-mixja tiegħu fuq din l-art, mill-qtugħ il-qalb fil-Ġnien tal-Ġetsemani, il-perseveranza matul il-passjoni sa ma wasal fil-glorja tal-qawmien.

Faith Foundations for Ministry

This module offers a basic introduction to key themes of the main areas of Christian theology. These include fundamental, scriptural, dogmatic, ecclesiological, and ethical theological concepts guiding the evangelising mission of the Church.

By the end of the module the learner will have:
  • become aware of what the sources of theology are;
  • gained a basic understanding of the main areas of Christian theology.

This course is intended to form and support adults who wish to become better acquainted with the basic tenets of the Catholic Faith. This course is offered in asynchronous learning mode as a foundation course before applying for other courses offered by the Pastoral Formation Institute.

If you are a registered pastoral worker with the Archdiocese of Malta, you can benefit from a 50%  discount on this course. Start your application process as a pastoral worker on

Adults who do not have an academic theological background and wish to widen their knowledge on the Catholic Faith. 

Target Audience Age: 18+

The Sacred ScripturesMr Edward Wright
The Scriptures, Tradition and MagisteriumMr Edward Wright
The Christian doctrine of God of Jesus ChristMs Dorianne Cassar
The Holy SpiritDr Dorianne Buttigieg
The Church as the builder of the Kingdom of God Mr Edward Wright
The Meaning of the Sacraments and the LiturgyRev. Stephen Attard
The Catholic Social Teaching of the Church Rev. Dr Carlo Calleja


Applicants will have access to this material on the PFI`s Moodle Portal. The module is delivered in short, recorded sessions which are each about 15 minutes long. The students will be provided with a username and a password so they can watch these sessions on their own devices. The total number of minutes amounts to 8 hours.

The course will be offered in October 2023. Usernames and passwords will be sent to students within a week of payment confirmation.

This course has two exit certificate options: 
  1. Certificate of Participation

To obtain a Certificate of Participation need to watch all the online material and successfully complete all the short multiple-choice exams. 

2. Certificate of Achievement 

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students need to: 

  • pass the short multiple-choice online exams; 
  • and successfully complete a written assignment;

An electronic certificate will be sent via email, within a week of successfully completing the course.

Click here to view the PFI`s Grading System

AFF Level: Level 4

Total Credits: 1 Credit

Teaching and Awarding Institution: Pastoral Formation Institute

Qualifications: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Language: Primary level understanding of Maltese and English.

Digital: Knows how to access the internet and use a word processor.

Riflessjoni Spiritwali: Ġimgħa Mqaddsa



F’dan il-kors, premezz ta’ vidjows qosra, ser naraw l-aspetti spiritwali u profondi tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa biex inkunu nistgħu nifhmu iktar dan il-Misteru tas-Salvazzjoni hekk kbir u importanti fil-ħajja Nisranija. Nibdew minn Ħadd il-Palm u d-daħla lejn Ġerusalemm (il-belt il-maħbuba li ma taċċettax l-imħabba), it-twaqqif tal-Ewkaristija f’Ħamis ix-Xirka u t-tifsira tal-ħasil tar-riġlejn, is-silenzju fil-Ġimgħa l-Kbira, l-istennija ma’ Marija s-Sibt filgħodu, it-tiġdid fil-velja tal-Għid bis-simboli tan-nar (id-dawl tal-ħajja), l-ilma li jippurifika lejn il-Glorja ta’ Sibt il-Għid u Ħadd il-Għid.

F’dan il-kors, Il-parteċipanti ser ikunu akkumpanjati matul din il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa bir-riflessjonijiet bibliċi u b’analiżi spiritwali. Il-mixja spiritwali ta’ kull Nisrani hija relatata mat-tbatija li għadda minnha Ġesù, speċjalment fil-mumenti tat-tradiment, solitudni, ġudizzju, biża’ u deċiżjonijiet diffiċli.

L-għan huwa li l-parteċipanti jaslu għall-għarfien tal-Qawmien, il-konsolazzjoni u tiġdid spiritwali u jagħrfu l-umiltà u l-għotja ta’ Ġesù fil-mixja tiegħu fuq din l-art, mill-qtugħ il-qalb fil-Ġnien tal-Ġetsemani, il-perseveranza matul il-passjoni sa ma wasal fil-glorja tal-qawmien.

L-applikazzjoni għal dawn ir-riflessjonijiet magħluqa. Grazzi u l-Għid it-Tajjeb


Dan il-kors riflessiv dwar il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa huwa maqsum fuq 14-il vidjow qasir. L-applikant ser jirċievi username u password sabiex ikun jista’ jara dawn il-vidjows fuq l-appart elettroniku tiegħu. L-applikant jista’ jara dawn il-vidjows bil-kumdità tiegħu, x’ħin u fejn irid.

Il-username u l-password jintbagħtu lill-istudenti fi żmien gimgħa mil-applikazzjoni. 


Studenti tas-sena akkademika 2022-23 tal-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali għandhom isibu dan il-kors fil-account tal-Moodle tagħhom.

Nitoblu lill-operaturi pastorali reġistrati sabiex jimlew l-applikazzjoni minn fuq biex hekk jiġbru il-voucher li jippermetilhom ma jħallsux għal dawn is-sessjonijiet.

Jekk inti operatur pastorali u għadek mintiex reġistrat/a bħala operatur pastorali tista’ tirreġistra billi tagħfas hawn.  

Applikanti li mhumiex studenti tal-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali tas-sena akkademika 2022-23, jew operaturi pastorali, jistgħu japplikaw permezz ta’ din l-applikazzjoni

Introduction to Holy Communion


Course Description

The course Introduction to the Eucharist is designed to give the extraordinary minister formation and direction for distributing communion during masses and to be a guide to help him/her in taking communion to those who are unable to join the community in person. By the end of this course the student will: 

  • have a basic biblical and theological understanding of the teachings related to the Eucharist.   
  • know the language in which liturgical worship is explicit. 
  • learn most matters concerning the rite of Communion.  
  • learn to appreciate more the sacrament of Holy Communion. 
  • acquire a deeper knowledge of the role of the extraordinary minister. 
  • grasp the spiritual meaning that this role entails

If you are a registered pastoral worker with the Archdiocese of Malta, you can benefit from a 50%  discount on this course. Start your application process as a pastoral worker on

Intended For

  • Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion who provide a service during church masses, in residential elderly homes or homebound sick persons.   
  • Those who wish to learn to appreciate more the sacrament of Holy Communion. 
  • Those who are starting their service as extraordinary ministers. 

Please Note: Doing this course does not entitle the student to become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. Extraordinary ministers are chosen by the pastor of the parish/community. 


Part 1: God With Us – Dogmatic Theology 
  1. Christian theology on God’s revelation in the Eucharist.  
  2. The communitarian dimension of the Eucharist.  
  3. Eucharistic miracles around the world.  
  4. Re-actualisation – understanding the past, present and future dimensions of the sacraments.  
  5. Terminology for the Blessed Sacrament.  
Part 2: The Biblical Foundations of the Eucharist
  1. The scriptural perspective of the Church’s teachings on the Eucharist. 
  2. The foreshadowing of the Eucharist in the Old Testament. 
  3. The Last Supper narratives. 
  4. The testimony of St Paul on the Eucharist. 
  5. Exegesis. 
Part 3: The Eucharist in Daily Life 
  1. The role of the extraordinary minister at mass and at home. 
  2. The effects of the Eucharist on the community. 
  3. Cultivating my relationship with God through the Eucharist. 
  4. Way of life of the extraordinary minister. 
  5. The spiritual dimension of the role of the Eucharistic minister – testimonials:  


The course is delivered in short, recorded sessions which are each about 18 minutes long. The student will be provided with a username and a password so s/he can watch these sessions on his/her own device. The total number of minutes amounts to 5-6 hours including the assessment.

Usernames and passwords will be sent to students within a week of payment confirmation.

Assessment & Certification

Assessment: Multiple choice test after each online session. The pass mark is 60%. 

Certificate: Certificate of completion will be awarded to those who complete all the sessions and pass all the assessments.

An electronic certificate will be sent via email, within a week of successfully completing the course.

Awarding and Teaching Institution: Pastoral Formation Institute

Entry Requirement

Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Introduction to Holy Mass

introduction to holy mass

Course Description

The course Introduction to the Holy Mass is designed to give all those involved in the preparation of the Liturgy, formation for a better understanding of the different parts of the Eucharistic celebration. In light of Sacrosanctum Concilium’s desire to restore the celebration of the Mass to the vigour it enjoyed in Patristic times the course intends to explain the liturgico-historical roots of the different rites of the Mass for a better understanding of the celebration of the Eucharist according to the post-conciliar Missale Romanum. Moreover, such knowledge will enable the participants to put into practice the much desired active participation of the faithful in the celebration of the Mass.  By the end of this course the student will:  

  • have a basic liturgical and theological understanding of the celebration of the Mass according to the Missale Romanum 1975. 
  • know the language in which liturgical worship is explicated.  
  • know the historical roots of the different parts of the Mass. 
  • learn most matters concerning the different rites which compose the celebration of the Mass.   
  • acquire a deeper understanding and appreciation of the different roles, members of the assembly hold.  
  • grasp the spiritual meaning that these roles entail

If you are a registered pastoral worker with the Archdiocese of Malta, you can benefit from a 50%  discount on this course. Start your application process as a pastoral worker on

Intended For

  • Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion,
  • Lectors, Animators,
  • Choir members,
  • members of the Parish Liturgical Commission
  • and those interested in understanding better the celebration of the Eucharist.


Part 1: The Introductory Rites  

  • The Introit
  • Greeting of the Altar and of the Assembly  
  • The Act of Penance
  • The Kyrie Eleison
  • The Gloria
  • The Collect 

Part 2: The Liturgy of the Word   

  • The Readings and the Responsorial Psalm
  • The Acclamation and the Gospel
  • The Homily
  • The Profession of Faith
  • The Prayer of the Faithful. 

Part 3: The Liturgy of the Eucharist  

  • The Offertory
  • The Preface
  • The Eucharistic Prayer I
  • The Eucharistic Prayer II
  • The Eucharistic Prayer III
  • The Eucharistic Prayer IV
  • The Eucharistic Prayer V
  • The Eucharistic Prayer of Reconciliation I and II 

Part 4: The Communion Rite

  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • The Rite of Peace
  • The Fraction
  • Communion
  • The Concluding Rites


The course is delivered in short, recorded sessions which are each about 15 minutes long. The student will be provided with a username and a password so s/he can watch these sessions at his/her own computer or other technological device. The total number of minutes amount to 6-7hrs including the assessment.

Usernames and passwords will be sent to students within a week of payment confirmation.

Assessment & Certification

Assessment: Multiple choice test after each online session. The pass mark is 60%. 

Certificate: Certificate of completion will be awarded to those who complete all the sessions and pass all the assessments.

An electronic certificate will be sent via email, within a week of successfully completing the course.

Awarding and Teaching Institution: Pastoral Formation Institute

Entry Requirement

Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.