"My only regret about the course is that it came to an end!"
Nancy Coleiro
"It’s like having two eyes, one which sees spirituality and the other the physical body/health...the Spiritual Dimension in Health Care course is helping me to gain a deeper perception into health and healthcare. This leads to better assessment and management of each patient in helping them live their life to their full potential as human beings."
Cynthia Sammut
"Nixtieq ngħidlek grazzi ħafna ta' dan il-kors. Dħalt għalih mingħajr ma bsart li se jolqotni daqshekk!"
Suzanne Caruana
It is more than an introduction - it highlights the treasure we have in the Catholic faith of having the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and how honoured we should feel when we are called to share in the Eucharistic ministry.
Sr Teresa TonnaIntroduction to Holy Communion