
Introduction to the Ministry of the Word

Photo credit: Archdiocese of Malta – Mr Ian Noel Pace

This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:

This course is designed for individuals serving as lectors in their parishes or churches, equipping them to be today’s prophets who proclaim God’s Word with reverence and understanding. It begins with an introduction to the Holy Scriptures, offering a comprehensive overview. Participants will learn to identify different types of texts, such as letters, commands, and narratives, and how to effectively communicate these in their ministry.

The course also explores the use of the Lectionary, deepening participants’ understanding of its structure and purpose in liturgical settings. Lectors will receive guidance on praying with the Holy Scriptures, enriching their spiritual lives and enhancing their ability to proclaim the Word.

Additionally, the course includes training in public speaking, enabling participants to deliver Scripture readings with confidence, clarity, and conviction.

All those involved in the ministry of the Word.

Target Audience Age: 18+

This course consists of four (4) pre-recorded lectures that can be watched on the Moodle platform at a time and pace of your choosing. After viewing the pre-recorded lectures, a practical in-person seminar will take place.

Date and TimeSessionMode of DeliveryVenue
Introduction to the Holy ScripturesPre-Recorded Lecture
Isaiah 55, 10-11Pre-Recorded Lecture
The Bible as a means of PrayerPre-Recorded Lecture
Public speaking skillsPre-Recorded Lecture
21st May 2025
6:00pm – 8:00pm
In-person Seminar – The Centrality of the Word of God in the LiturgyIn-personTa’ Mlit Pastoral Centre, Mosta

This course has two exit certificate options:

1. Certificate of Attendance

The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course.

2. Certificate of Participation

The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course and pass from short multiple-choice exam.

Language: Applicants must be proficient in both Maltese and English.

Digital: Applicants must be able to access the internet.

Delving Deep into the Gospels – Easter Narratives

This course invites participants to embark on a journey into the profound teachings and life of Jesus Christ as presented in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. By immersing yourself in the rich historical and cultural contexts of these sacred texts, you will uncover the wisdom they convey and appreciate their diverse literary forms and structures.

Far from being solely an intellectual endeavour, this exploration is also a deeply spiritual practice. Participants will engage in moments of quiet contemplation, opening their hearts and minds to the messages within. Insights from biblical scholars will deepen understanding, while group discussions provide an opportunity to share reflections and gain diverse perspectives, illuminating new dimensions of the Gospel teachings.

The course aims to foster a profound connection with the spiritual truths of the Christian faith. It seeks to nurture inner growth and encourage participants to integrate the Gospel’s transformative guidance into everyday life. Through reflective and meditative engagement, you will be inspired to embody the love, compassion, and wisdom exemplified by Jesus Christ, allowing these qualities to shape your life and actions.

Whether you are new to the study of the Gospels or looking to deepen your understanding, this course provides a space for meaningful exploration and personal spiritual growth.

  • Pastoral Workers involved in Ministry of the Word.
  • Christians committed to continual growth in their relationship with God, who, however, have little to no experience in the formal study of the scripture.

Target Audience Age: 18+

The course will take place on Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Students have the option to join this course online via Zoom

23rd April 2025The Appearance to Mary of Magdala
30th April 2025The Appearance on the Road to Emmaus
7th May 2025The Appearance to the Disciples in Jerusalem
14th May 2025Thomas
21st May 2025The Appearance to the Seven Disciples

This course has three exit certificate options:

1. Certificate of Attendance

The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course.

2. Certificate of Participation

The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course and pass from short multiple-choice exam.

3. Certificate of Achievement

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must attend a minimum of 80% of all contact hour and pass from a short multiple-choice exam and reflective journal.

Language: Applicants must be proficient in both Maltese and English.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate particularly, in use of office suites and internet access.

The Sacrament of Baptism

This course is aimed at parents who choose to baptize their child. They will be invited to follow this course from the comfort of their home. Firstly, they will learn about the theology of baptism and what baptism entails. They will then proceed to go through the rite of baptism, understanding its various moments so that during the celebration, they will have a deeper understanding of the process. Finally, these parents will be given suggestions on how to live out the baptismal promises within their family.

New parents

Target Audience Age: 18+

The course will be delivered online through a series of recorded videos accessible on our VLE platform.

Session 1The Theology of Baptism – What is Baptism?
Session 2The Rite of Baptism
Session 3Living out the promises of Baptism

This course has one exit certificate options: 

  1. Certificate of Attendance

The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when watching all recorded lectures available on VLE platform.

Awarding Institution: Pastoral Formation Institute

Language: Applicants must be fluent in Maltese and have basic proficiency in English.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate, especially on how to access the internet and use office suites.


Dan il-kors hu eliġibbli għall-iskema Get Formed! Din l-iskema trodd lura 70% tal-ispejjeż tal-kors lill-istudent ladarba jlesti l-kors. Għal iktar informazzjoni, żur:

Jekk qatt pruvajt tħarbex żewġ akkordji, xi melodija, jew xi biċċa lirika bil-Malti, dan huwa l-kors għalik!

Ħarbex huwa kors ta’ 3 workshops li l-Akkademja tal-Mużika Sagra Francesco Azopardi qed torganizza b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Pastoral Formation Institute u l-Malta Catholic Youth Network (MCYN) għal żgħażagħ bejn 18-35 sena u individwi li huma involuti f’pastorali maż-żgħażagħ.

L-għan tal-kors hu li jservi ta’ gwida u ispirazzjoni sabiex tħaddem il-ħiliet mużikali u litterali li diġà hemm fik biex jinkitbu għanjiet ġodda għat-talba tal-quddies. Se jkollna magħna għadd ta’ saċerdoti u lajċi li se jaqsmu magħna riżorsi u testimonjanzi li se jħeġġuna nifhmu l-attitudni tagħna fid-diversi mumenti li ngħixu f’din it-talba. Flimkien se jkollna mumenti li fihom se nkunu qed nerfgħu qlubna ‘l fuq, kif aħna mistiedna nagħmlu f’kull quddies.

Ħinijiet ta’ inkontri ma’ xulxin mhumiex se jkunu neqsin, u xejn inqas ħinijiet allokati biex nibdew inħarbxu xi ħaġa wkoll, kemm b’mod individwali, kif ukoll ma’ ħaddieħor. Għandna xewqa kbira li, flimkien magħkom, nixegħlu mqar fjamma t’interess u ta’ bidu.

Żgħażagħ bejn 18 – 35 sena u individwi li huma involuti f’pastorali maż-żgħażagħ.

The workshops will be held on Saturdays from 8:30am – 3:00pm

Saturday 18th January 2025L-Ordinarju fil-Quddiesa
Saturday 15th February 2025L-Adorazzjoni
Saturday 15th March 2025Il-Liturġija tas-Sigħat

Dan il-kors għandu tip ta’ ċertifikat wieħed:

1. Ċertifikat ta’ Partiċipazzjoni

Sabiex jinkiseb Ċertifikat ta’ Partiċipazzjoni, l-istudenti huma meħtieġa jattendu għal tnejn mit-tlett workshops li qed jiġu organizzati kif ukoll jikkomponu mużika u/jew jiktbu lirika ġdida.

Dan il-kors qed jiġu provdut mill-Akkademja tal-Mużika Sagra Francesco Azzopardi f’kollaborazzjoni tal-Istitut tal-Formazzjoni Pastorali.

L-applikanti għandhom ikollom bażi tajba tal-lingwa Maltija u ta’ teknika awdjo-viżiva.


Liturgical Singing for Priests

This course is intended to offer practical aides and musical preparation to deacons and priests of the Roman Catholic Church (latin rite) for better singing during the liturgy.

Deacons and Priests

Target Audience Age: 18+

The course will take place on Mondays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

DateLecture Title
28th April 2025Singing in the Liturgy
5th May 2025Mass Repertoire and the Liturgy of the Hours 1
12th May 2025Mass Repertoire and the Liturgy of the Hours 2
19th May 2025Gregorian Chant and the Singing of Psalms
26th May 2025Basic Gregorian Repertoire 1
2nd June 2025Basic Gregorian Repertoire 2

This course has three exit certificate options:

1. Certificates of Attendance

The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course.

2. Certificate of Participation

The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course and after passing a short multiple-choice exam.

3. Certificate of Achievement

The student will receive a Certificate of Achievement when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course, as well as after passing a short practical examination.

This course is delivered by the Akkademja tal-Mużika Sagra Francesco Azzopardi in collaboration with the Pastoral Formation Institute.

To be eligible for this course applicants must either be deacons or priests including seminarians in their final formation years of the Roman Catholic Church (latin rite). They must also be proficient in both Maltese and English.


CPD for Diakonia Pastoral Workers (2024/25)


This course is designed for those serving in the Diakonia sector of a parish, helping participants connect their ministry with their spiritual journey. It offers a deeper exploration of the concept of ‘peripheries’ in today’s society, as emphasized in the teachings of Pope Francis. Participants will also gain foundational skills for addressing mental health issues, enriched by real-life experiences that showcase the impactful work already being done in this field.

  • Pastoral operators, staff, or volunteers who work in the Diakonia ministry
  • People interested in this ministry

Target Audience Age: 18+

Please Note: Following this course does not entitle the student to become automatically a pastoral worker involved in Diakonia in any given parish. Pastoral workers involved in Diakonia are chosen by the pastor of the parish/community. 

DateSession TitleMode of DeliveryVenue
15th October 2024IntroductionRecorded Video
October – December 2024The ‘peripheries’Recorded Videos
18th January 2025
9:30am – 11:30am
In-person seminar In-personThe Archbishop’s Seminary
February – April 2025Delving Deeper in Mental Health IssuesRecorded Videos
April 2025 – May 2025Diakonia in our Parishes – Real ExperiencesRecorded Videos
May 2025In-person seminarTBATBA
This course has two exit certificate options: 
  1. Certificate of Attendance

To obtain a Certificate of Attendance, students must attend all course contact hours.

2. Certificate of Participation

To obtain a Certificate of Participation, students must attend all contact hours and pass from short multiple-choice online exam.

Teaching Institution/s: Pastoral Formation Institute in collaboration with Diakonia Commission

Qualifications: Each application will be evaluated based on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute welcomes a diverse array of qualifications, aiming to assess applications primarily in terms of academic potential. We consider a broad spectrum of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, alongside relevant work experiences and skills.

Language: Applicants must be fluent in English and have basic proficiency in Maltese.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate, especially on how to access the internet and use office suites.

CPD – Course for Catechists on Christian Moral Formation

This CPD course is designed to equip catechists with a comprehensive understanding of moral formation, focusing on the psychological and spiritual development of children and pre-adolescents. Over five engaging sessions, participants will learn how to tailor catechetical formation to meet the unique needs of each child, respecting their gradual development. The course integrates insights from social sciences and the Catholic moral tradition, grounding the content in the Gospel and contextualizing it within the family, academic, and community environments where children live.

Catechists will develop a deeper understanding of the Commandments as expressions of God’s love and covenant, and learn effective pedagogical strategies for communicating these teachings to children and pre-adolescents. The course also provides tools to convey the significance of the Beatitudes, helping catechists inspire the younger generation. Additionally, the program explores the moral formation of children in discovering their personal vocation.

By the end of this course, catechists will be empowered to confidently guide children and pre-adolescents on their moral and spiritual journeys, laying a strong foundation for a life rooted in Christian values.

  • Catechists
  • Other persons interested in the subject, may also apply.

Target Audience Age: 18+

Lectures will be on Saturdays from 9:30am to 12:00pm

at Archbishops’ Curia Refectory

DateLecture Title
26/10/2024The Development of the Moral Formation of Children: A Psychological Perspective
25/01/2025The Formation of Moral Conscience in Children and Pre-Adolescents
22/02/2025The Decalogue
26/04/2025The Beatitudes
24/05/2025Accompanying Children and Adolescents in the Discovery of their Vocation
This course has two exit certificate options: 
  1. Certificate of Attendance

To obtain a Certificate of Attendance, students must attend 80% of course contact hours. 

2. Certificate of Participation

To obtain a Certificate of Participation, students must attend 80% of contact hours and pass from short multiple-choice online exam.

Teaching Institution/s: Pastoral Formation Institute in collaboration with Lifelong Catechesis

Qualifications: Each application will be evaluated based on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute welcomes a diverse array of qualifications, aiming to assess applications primarily in terms of academic potential. We consider a broad spectrum of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, alongside relevant work experiences and skills.

Language: Applicants must be fluent in English and have basic proficiency in Maltese.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate, especially on how to access the internet and use office suites.


Preparing Catechists for the Christian Initiation of Adults


This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:

This course is designed to prepare committed Catholics to serve as catechists, guiding individuals on their journey toward full membership in the Catholic Church. Participants will learn how to accompany and support those discerning whether to join the Church, as well as newly baptized Catholics in their first months of initiation. The course will cover the key stages of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), from initial inquiry to the period of Mystagogy, ensuring catechists are equipped to share the teachings of the Church with clarity, compassion, and faithfulness.

This course is intended for committed Catholics who would like to share their experience of what it means to be part of the Church with persons who are in a process of discernment about whether to become Catholics. Ideally, these persons would be active in a particular parish where the persons that they would be accompanying could become eventually rooted following their baptism.

This course does not entitle the student to become an accompanying person for Catechumens. The accompanying persons are appointed by the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Team in collaboration with the Parish Priest/Chaplain of the respective community.

Target audience: 25+

Module 1 – Introduction to Basic Themes in Theology

This module will be offered entirely online, allowing you to complete it at your own pace and on your own schedule.

Module 2 – Historical and Theological Perspectives of Christian Initiation

These sessions will be held from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

These sessions will be held at Ta’ Mlit Pastoral Centre, Mosta.

8th January 2025The Initiation in the Early Church
15th January 2025The Development of the Rite/Order of the Christian Initiation of Adults
22nd January 2025Catechising During the Pre-Catechumenate Phase
And “Identity of the Catechist”
29th January 2025Catechising During the Catechumenate and the Enlightenment Phases
And “Methodology in Catechesis”
5th February 2025Catechising During Mystagogy
And “The Liturgy as a Mystagogical Journey”

Module 3: Practicum

Those who successfully finish Module 2 – Historical and Theological Perspectives of Christian Initiation may apply for this module which will consist in a 20 hour supervised accompaniment of a person going through the RCIA process, whilst being supported by other persons such as the parish priest and the catechists who will be providing catechesis to the person concerned, often in a group context.

This course has one exit certificate option:

1. Certificate of Achievement

The student will receive a Certificate of Achievement when students attend 80% of course contact hours and successfully complete and pass from all assessments, which are:

(i) a short online assessment


(ii) a written assignment / reflective journal.

Enrolment for this course necessitates a recommendation from the Parish Priest/Chaplain of the relevant community, a requirement that is subsequently verified by PFI.

Language: Applicants must be fluent in English and have basic proficiency in Maltese.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate, especially on how to access the internet and use office suites.

(Part 2) Introduction to Catechetical Ministry for Children


This is part 2 of 2 of Introduction to Catechetical Ministry for Children

One must complete part 1 before applying for this part 2.

This blended course is designed to form and support catechists who seek to deepen their understanding of the fundamental tenets of the Catholic Faith in preparation for their service towards their parish. By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the core theological concepts that underpin catechetical ministry and will be equipped with essential practical skills for effective service in this ministry.

Catechists who teach children and adolescents.

Target Audience Age: 18+
Module 3 – Catechetical Ministry for Children

These sessions will be held from 9:30am – 12:00pm

These sessions will be held at Archbishops’ Curia, Floriana

1st February 2025Getting to Know Who We Are Accompanying
8th March 2025Catechesis in The Digital Era: Practical Aspects
12th April 2025Sacred Scripture
10th May 2025The Moral and Social Teaching of the Church
Module 4 – Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

This module delves into the essential principles of safeguarding, focusing on creating safe environments for children, young people, and vulnerable adults. By the module’s conclusion, students will be well-versed in safeguarding policies, understand the core principles underlying safeguarding, and recognize various types of abuse along with their signs and symptoms. They will also learn how to handle disclosures of abuse, maintain professional boundaries, identify poor practices, and comprehend their legal obligations under the Protection of Minors (Registration) Act (2011) and the Minors Protection Act (2019).

This module will be offered in-person from February 2025.

This module can be applied for and completed on its own. If you wish to take this module separately from Introduction to Catechetical Ministry, please apply here:

This course has two exit certificate options: 

  1. Certificate of Participation 
  • attend all in-person seminars;
  • pass short multiple-choice online exams, where applicable

2. Certificate of Achievement 

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students need to: 

  • attend all in-person seminars;
  • pass the short multiple-choice online exams, where applicable
  • and successfully complete a written assignment, where applicable

Final Awards: Award in Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

Teaching Institution/s: Pastoral Formation Institute in collaboration with Lifelong Catechesis, and Safeguarding Commission

Complete part 1 of 2 of Introduction to Catechetical Ministry.

Digital competences:

Applicants are required to have basic computer literacy, mainly how to access and use an internet browser and use a word processor

Language competences:

The student is required to have at least primary school level of Maltese and English.


Applicants who have an Award in Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults are exempt from Module 4 – Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults. Applicants are required to send a copy of their qualifications to [email protected] upon application. A formal email is sent to applicants once the qualifications are reviewed.

(Part 1) Introduction to Catechetical Ministry for Children


This is part 1 of 2 of Introduction to Catechetical Ministry for Children

This blended course is designed to form and support catechists who seek to deepen their understanding of the fundamental tenets of the Catholic Faith in preparation for their service towards their parish. By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the core theological concepts that underpin catechetical ministry and will be equipped with essential practical skills for effective service in this ministry.

Catechists who teach children and adolescents.

Target Audience Age: 18+
Module 1 – Faith Foundations for Ministry

This module provides a basic introduction to Christian theology. Participants will explore fundamental scriptural, dogmatic, ecclesiological, and ethical theological concepts that guide the evangelising mission of the Church. By the end of the module, learners will be familiar with the sources of theology and will gain a basic understanding of the main areas of Christian theology.

This module will be offered entirely online, allowing you to complete it at your own pace and on your own schedule.

This module can be applied for and completed on its own. If you wish to take this module separately from Introduction to Catechetical Ministry, please apply here:

Module 2 – Basic Themes in Catechetical Ministry for Children

This module will enable participants to construct a holistic vision of catechetical ministry, one that responds to contemporary needs, through the exploration of various areas of knowledge and skills essential for the formation of catechetical ministers. These areas include the theoretical and practical aspects of basic catechetical principles, catechetical methodology including lesson planning, exploration of relevant social sciences, and addressing the needs of children with diverse social and/or psychological needs.

This module will be offered entirely online, allowing you to complete it at your own pace and on your own schedule.

This module can be applied for and completed on its own. If you wish to take this module separately from Introduction to Catechetical Ministry, please apply here:

This course has two exit certificate options: 

  1. Certificate of Participation 
  • view all recorded lectures;
  • pass short multiple-choice online exams, where applicable

2. Certificate of Achievement 

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students need to: 

  • view all recorded lectures;
  • pass the short multiple-choice online exams, where applicable
  • and successfully complete a written assignment, where applicable

Final Awards: Faith Foundations in Ministry and Basic Themes in Catechetical Ministry

Teaching Institution/s: Pastoral Formation Institute in collaboration with Lifelong Catechesis

Digital competences:

Applicants are required to have basic computer literacy, mainly how to access and use an internet browser and use a word processor

Language competences:

The student is required to have at least primary school level of Maltese and English.


Applicants who have an MQF/EQF level 4 (or higher) in Theology or Religious Studies, or have a General Education Award in Evangelisation, will be exempted from Module 1 – Faith Foundation for Ministry. Applicants are required to send a copy of their qualifications to [email protected] upon application. A formal email is sent to applicants once the qualifications are reviewed.