Our Modes of Delivery
At the Pastoral Formation Institute, courses are delivered in various modes, primarily:

Asynchronous Learning Mode
(Fully Online)
Learning that occurs when the lecturer/s and students are not communicating and engaging in real-time – More commonly known as self-study.

Synchronous Learning Mode
(Fully Online)
Learning which occurs in real-time through the use of web-conferencing tools, mainly Zoom.

Hybrid Learning Mode
Students are given the option to choose whether to follow the course in synchronous or physical presence mode.
Limited Hybrid Learning Mode
Students are given the option to follow part of a programme offered in physical presence mode, synchronously. The percentage of sessions followed synchronously should not be greater then 20% of the sessions in order for the Institute to record the student as present for the session. In such cases, the student is to inform the Institute at least 4 office hours before the commencement of the session to ensure that the required equipment is in place.

Blended Learning Mode
Learning which occurs when students engage partly through a Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle), where online delivery of content is available and delivered, and partly through attending in-person contact hours of formation; these physical lectures are delivered physically in a classroom with the presence of the lecturer and students. The ratio between online and face-to-face learning is decided by the Institute on the basis of the related pedagogical principles and the course`s requirements.

Physical Presence Learning Mode
Learning which occurs face-to-face and in person. Lecturer/s and students are both present in an allocated time and place where a formation session, usually in the form of a lecture, is delivered. For valid reasons, students may be given an exemption (in writing) to follow courses delivered in this mode, synchronously.
Such exemption is at the discretion of the Institute and may be granted for parts of the programme or for its entirety. Such exemption is also always given in writing and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Such option is also subject to the equipment available in the lecture room and if the programme is not designed for such a mode, the Institute will not be held responsible for the quality of the connection.

Placements Learning Mode
Students are followed and mentored while they conduct ministry.