Jubilee - Pilgrims of Hope

This course aims to help participants to prepare themselves and be able to prepare others for The Jubilee of 2025, centred around the theme of hope.

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the biblical foundations of the words ‘jubilee’, ‘hope’, and ‘pilgrimage’. The course will delve into the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis on the subject of hope. A dedicated session will be devoted to applying the concept of Jubilee in our contemporary context and understanding its relevance to the Church’s mission of Evangelization. The journey will conclude with an in-depth review of Pope Francis’ Bull of Indiction, ‘Spes non confundit‘.

Curia and tribunal members of staff

Target Audience Age: 18+

The course will take place on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:30pm

at Sala San Ġwann

16th October 2024Introduction –
What does the word ‘Jubilee’ mean? The Jubilee in Sacred Scriptures
What does the word ‘Pilgrimage’ mean? The Pilgrimage in the Sacred Scriptures
13th November 2024Hope in the Old Testament
Hope in the New Testament and in the first communities of the Church
15th January 2025Hope in the writings of the Popes – Spe Salvi, the Catechesis of Pope Francis and Bull of Indiction ‘Spes Non Confundit’

This course has three exit certificate options:

Certificate of Attendance

The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course. 

Certificate of Participation

The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course and pass from short multiple-choice exam.

Certificate of Achievement  

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must:

  • attend a minimum 80% of all contact hours
  • pass from short multiple-choice exam
  • pass from written assessment

Language: Applicants must be fluent in English and have basic proficiency in Maltese.


Register for this Course