
CPD Museum 2024 – L-Esperjenza tal-Katekeżi fil-Kultura tal-Lum

  Museum Siġġiewi

Dan il-kors immirat għall-katekisti b’mod speċjali soċji nisa tal-Museum jittratta l-katekeżi fil-kultura tal-lum u kif inġibu ruħna quddiem attitudnijiet differenti fit-tfal u ż-żgħażagħ li jkollna fil-klassi. Għalhekk se niddiskutu l-psikoloġija tal-età. Fil-kors se naraw ukoll l-importanza li nippjana u kif għandi ngħallem billi anke nħarsu lejn l-eżempju li jagħtina Ġesù fit-tagħlim.

  • Soċji nisa tal-Museum
  • Katekisti nisa li jgħallmu fl-oqsma tal-Museum

Target Audience Age: 18+

Il-kors ser isir kif skedat hawn taħt fil-Museum tal-Bniet, Is-Siġġiewi:

16 ta’ Settembru 2024
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Il-katekeżi u l-pedagoġija: Il-psikoloġija tal-età
Il-katekeżi u l-pedagoġija: Kif inġibu ruħna quddiem attitudnijiet differenti
17 ta’ Settembru 2024
6:00pm – 8:00pm
X’inhi l-katekeżi?
Il-katekeżi fil-kulturi tal-lum
18 ta’ Settembru 2024
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Il-metadoloġija fil-katekeżi: Għaliex importanti li nippjana?
Il-metadoloġija fil-katekeżi: Kif ngħallem? Ġesù kif għallem?

Dan il-kors għandu żewġ tipi ta’ ċertifikati:

1. Ċertifikat ta’ Attendenza

Sabiex jinkiseb Ċertifikat ta’ Attendenza, l-istudenti huma meħtieġa jattendu 80% tas-sessjonijiet tal-kors.

2. Ċertifikat ta’ Partiċipazzjoni

Sabiex jinkiseb Ċertifikat ta’ Partiċipazzjoni, l-istudenti huma meħtieġa jattendu 80% tas-sessjonijiet tal-kors u jgħaddu minn eżami multiple-choice qasir. Dan isir fuq il-pjattaforma tal-Moodle tal-istitut.

3. Ċertifikat ta’ Kisba

Sabiex jinkiseb Ċertifikat ta’ Kisba, l-istudenti huma meħtieġa jattendu 80% tas-sessjonijiet tal-kors, jgħaddu minn eżami multiple-choice qasir. Dan isir fuq il-pjattaforma tal-Moodle tal-istitut kif ukoll minn written assignment.

Lingwa: L-applikanti għandhom ikollom fehma tal-Malti u jkunu fluwenti fl-Ingliż.

Teknoloġija diġitali: L-applikanti huma meħtieġa li jkunu fluwenti fl-użu tad-dinja diġitali, inkluż li jkunu jafu kif jaċċessaw l-internet u jużaw office suites bħal Microsoft Word.

Introduction to The Book of Ruth for Daughters of the Sacred Heart

  Nuzzo Institute, Ħamrun

The course aims to provide participants with a close reading of the Book of Ruth. It will delve into the historical context of the book, its structure, and practical implications such as migration, charity, fidelity, love, and the value of patience that emerge from this reading.

Novices of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart

Target Audience Age: 18+

The course will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00am to 11:00am

3rd September 2024Introduction and Chapter 1
4th September 2024Chapter 2 and 3
5th September 2024Chapter 4 and Ruth in Mt 1:5

This course has two exit certificate options:

1. Certificates of Attendance

The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course.

2. Certificate of Achievement

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must:

  • attend a minimum of 80% of all contact hours
  • successfully complete and pass from a written assignment

Language: Applicants must be proficient in English.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate particularly, in use of office suites and internet access.

Award in Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults – Curia Staff

Safeguarding Others

The Pastoral Formation Institute is licensed by MFHEA
(Licence #: 2013-FHI-023) as a Further and Higher Educational Institute. The Award in Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults is accredited at EQF/MQF Level 4, as Further Education Programme.

This short course will assist employees and volunteers who work with children and vulnerable adults or handle their data, to recognise the key principles of safeguarding and learn to create a safe environment for children, young people, and vulnerable adults.

The intended learning outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  1. familiarise themselves with safeguarding policies
  2. understand the legal obligations with child abuse
  3. identify signs and symptoms of abuse
  4. know the disclosures of abuse
  5. identify the principles of safeguarding
  6. practice professional boundaries
  7. know their legal obligations related to the Protection of Minors (Registration) Act (2011) and the Minors Protection Act (2019)
  8. learn about the different types of abuse and poor practice
  9. learn a standard response to a disclosure of abuse
  10. be able to recognise signs of abuse
  11. identify the actions to take if you have a concern and who can help
  • Curia employees who work with children and vulnerable adults
  • Curia employees who handle children and vulnerable adults` data
CodeMode of DeliveryValue
PFE/SCA4-23Blended Learning1 ECTS

The course is delivered over 5 contact hours. These 5 hours are delivered over two sessions:

  1. 3 hours – In person session (Face-to-Face Learning)
  2. 2 hours – recorded material which can be accessed on the PFI`s Moodle Portal (Blended Learning)

Students will also be given additional reading material which they can read in their own time.

You may find all the dates in the Calendar section below.

Each course is delivered over two sessions; (a) 3-hour, in-person session and (b) 2 hours of recorded material which can be accessed on the PFI’s Moodle Portal.

November 2025
Lecturing Period
Mode of DeliveryDate & TimeVenue
In-person26th November 2024
from 10:30am to 1:30pm
Archbishops’ Curia
Recorded Material26th November – 3rd December 2024Recorded videos on the VLE platform
Assessment Period:
AssessmentAvailable FromDue by
Short Multiple-Choice Online Exam26th November 20243rd December 2024
Reflective Journal26th November 20247th January 2025

This course has three exit certificate options: 

  1. Certificate of Attendance

A Certificate of Attendance will be rewarded to students who have:

  • attended in-person session
  • watched all the recorded material
  • and did not submit any course assessments.
  1. Certificate of Participation 

A Certificate of Participation* will be rewarded to students who meet the attendance criteria and successfully conclude the course multiple choice test. (please check the calendar tab above for exam dates)

  1. Certificate of Achievement 

A Certificate of Achievement* is awarded to students who successfully concluded the course, that is;

  • meet the attendance criteria
  • sit and pass the short multiple-choice online exam (mentioned in point 2),
  • and also submit a written assessment

Click here to view the PFI`s Grading System

*To obtain a Certificate of Achievement or a Certificate of Participation, a student must; attend all the contact hours and successfully conclude the assessment/s.

EQF/MQF Level: Level 4

Accreditation Category: Further Education Programme

Total ECTS: 2 ECTS

Teaching Institutions: Safeguarding Commission together with Pastoral Formation Institute

Award Institution: Pastoral Formation Institute


The Pastoral Formation Institute is licensed by MFHEA
(Licence #: 2013-FHI-023) as a Further and Higher Educational Institute. The Award in Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults is accredited at EQF/MQF Level 4, as Further Education Programme.

Qualifications: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Language: Primary level understanding of Maltese and English.

Digital: Knows how to access the internet and use a word processor.

For courses offered in face-to-face learning and Blended Learning, it is required that applicants reside in the Maltese Islands and use their Maltese address in their application form.

For further information regarding visa requirements, head to Identity Malta’s VISA requirement for third-country nationals.

The Jubilee – Pilgrims of Hope for Iklin Parish

  Iklin Parish Centre
Jubilee - Pilgrims of Hope

This course aims to help participants to prepare themselves and be able to prepare others for The Jubilee of 2025, centred around the theme of hope.

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the biblical foundations of the words “jubilee,” “hope,” and “pilgrimage”. The course will delve into the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis on the subject of hope. A dedicated session will be devoted to applying the concept of Jubilee in our contemporary context and understanding its relevance to the Church’s mission of Evangelisation.

Iklin Pastoral Workers

Target Audience Age: 18+

The course will take place Tuesdays from 6:40pm – 8:40pm

17th September 2024Introduction –
What does the word ‘Jubilee’ mean? The Jubilee in Sacred Scriptures
What does the word ‘Pilgrimage’ mean? The Pilgrimage in the Sacred Scriptures
24th September 2024Hope in the Old Testament
Hope in the New Testament and in the first communities of the Church
1st October 2024The Jubilee in Our Parish

This course has three exit certificate options:

Certificate of Attendance

The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course. 

Certificate of Participation

The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course and pass from short multiple-choice exam.

Certificate of Achievement  

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must:

  • attend a minimum 80% of all contact hours
  • pass from short multiple-choice exam
  • pass from written assessment

Language: Applicants must be fluent in English and have basic proficiency in Maltese.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate, especially on how to access the internet and use office suites.

The Narrative Approach to Reading the Gospel of Luke

Among the three Synoptic Gospels, the Gospel according to Luke contains the most unique material, written by an author with an excellent command of koiné Greek (New Testament Greek) and a clearly well-educated background. The result is a work of sublime beauty, not only from a theological perspective but also from a literary and narrative one.

Rather than using a more classic historical-critical method, this course will explore this Gospel through a synchronic, narrative approach. To better immerse themselves in this methodology, students will be expected to prepare their own brief analysis of different pericopes (as indicated by the lecturer) for class discussion in each session.

Students will leave this course not only with a greater awareness of the content, style, and message of the Gospel according to Luke, but also having acquired a new methodology for Scriptural interpretation. Above all, they will have deepened their passion for Christ present in the Word.

To be eligible for this course, participants must have completed the ‘Introduction to Sacred Scriptures’ and ‘Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels’ PFI courses at Certificate of Participation level or higher or hold at least an equivalent AFF/MQF Level 4 or higher qualification. Please upload a copy of your relevant certification with the application form.

  • Pastoral Workers involved in Ministry of the Word.
  • Christians committed to continual growth in their relationship with God, who, already have some experience in the formal study of the New Testament.

Target Audience Age: 18+

The course will take place on Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

15th January 2025Introduction to the Narrative Approach (Lk 8:22-25)
22nd January 2025 The Quinary Scheme (Lk 15:11-32)
29th January 2025Plot of Resolution vs Plot of Revelation (Lk 5:1-11)
5th February 2025Characters (Lk 10:25-37)
12th February 2025Point-of-View (Lk 19:1-10)

This course has two exit certificate options:

1. Certificate of Participation

The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course and demonstrating a minimum of brief preparatory work prior to each lecture:

Before coming to class, students will be asked to read a pericope as well as a relevant commentary (provided by the lecturer). Their preparation will be demonstrated by writing a few sentences on or highlighting & briefly annotating the Scriptural passage of interest, then uploading this work to the VLE before the session when work must be presented.

2. Certificate of Achievement

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must satisfy the awarding criteria for a Certificate of Participation as well as pass from a short written assignment.

To be eligible for this course, participants must have completed the ‘Introduction to Sacred Scriptures’ and ‘Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels’ PFI courses at Certificate of Participation level or higher or hold at least an equivalent AFF/MQF Level 4 or higher qualification. Please upload a copy of your relevant certification with the application form.

Knowledge: A familiarity with the major scholastic themes in the study of the Synoptic Gospels.

Language: Applicants must be proficient in both Maltese and English.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate particularly, in use of office suites and internet access.

The Jubilee – Pilgrims of Hope for Curia and Tribunal Staff

Jubilee - Pilgrims of Hope

This course aims to help participants to prepare themselves and be able to prepare others for The Jubilee of 2025, centred around the theme of hope.

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the biblical foundations of the words ‘jubilee’, ‘hope’, and ‘pilgrimage’. The course will delve into the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis on the subject of hope. A dedicated session will be devoted to applying the concept of Jubilee in our contemporary context and understanding its relevance to the Church’s mission of Evangelization. The journey will conclude with an in-depth review of Pope Francis’ Bull of Indiction, ‘Spes non confundit‘.

Curia and tribunal members of staff

Target Audience Age: 18+

The course will take place on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:30pm

at Sala San Ġwann

16th October 2024Introduction –
What does the word ‘Jubilee’ mean? The Jubilee in Sacred Scriptures
What does the word ‘Pilgrimage’ mean? The Pilgrimage in the Sacred Scriptures
13th November 2024Hope in the Old Testament
Hope in the New Testament and in the first communities of the Church
15th January 2025Hope in the writings of the Popes – Spe Salvi, the Catechesis of Pope Francis and Bull of Indiction ‘Spes Non Confundit’

This course has three exit certificate options:

Certificate of Attendance

The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course. 

Certificate of Participation

The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum 80% of all contact hours for this course and pass from short multiple-choice exam.

Certificate of Achievement  

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must:

  • attend a minimum 80% of all contact hours
  • pass from short multiple-choice exam
  • pass from written assessment

Language: Applicants must be fluent in English and have basic proficiency in Maltese.

Introduction to Sacred Scriptures for Daughters of the Sacred Heart

  Daughters of the Sacred Heart Convent, Ħamrun

The Bible is not a single work, but a library of books that, while sharing the same divine authorship, differ greatly in their styles, history, cultural background, themes, and interpretation.

Through this course, students can expect to develop a basic understanding of why and how the Bible came to be, considering its different sources, transmission, redaction, consolidation, and intentions.

By integrating their newly acquired knowledge of the Bible’s history and the roles of divine inspiration and human cooperation in its creation, students will be able to interpret Biblical passages with greater depth, meaning, and truth. They will also learn to recognize and avoid common errors in Scriptural interpretation. Above all, they will grow in their passion for God as present in His Word.

Daughters of the Sacred Heart

The course will take place in week starting 22nd July 2024 from 9:00am – 11:00am

22nd July 2024Seminar 1
23rd July 2024Seminar 2
24th July 2024Seminar 3
25th July 2024Seminar 4

This course has three exit certificate options:

1. Certificates of Attendance

The student will receive a Certificate of Attendance when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course.

2. Certificate of Participation

The student will receive a Certificate of Participation when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course and pass from short multiple-choice exam.

3. Certificate of Achievement

The student will receive a Certificate of Achievement when attending a minimum of 80% of all contact hours for this course, pass from short multiple-choice exam and written assignment.

Language: Applicants must be proficient in English.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate particularly, in use of office suites and internet access.

(EN) Emotional Support In The Community: Basic Skills for Pastoral Workers

For the version in Maltese, please refer to:

This course is eligible for the Get Formed! scheme, allowing students to reclaim 70% of their course fees upon completion. For more information, visit:

The aim of this course is to empower individuals without academic backgrounds in psychology, such as pastoral workers, volunteers, and others interested in enhancing their fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes for interacting effectively with parishioners or others. This course introduces participants to helping skills, theories, and approaches.

Through study and discussion, students gain awareness of tools that assist them in their work with people from diverse cultural and social backgrounds. The course provides an opportunity to reflect on methods used in their work and relationships and evaluate their effectiveness.

By the end of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Understand the basic theories and skills of helping.
  • Know how to listen and respond appropriately.
  • Provide emotional and spiritual support.
  • Identify when to refer someone to professional help

Individuals without an academic background in psychology, including:

  • Those who regularly provide support and companionship to colleagues and friends in their workplace, family, etc.
  • Pastoral workers, volunteers, or individuals who interact with people in need or visit residential homes.

Target Audience Age: 18+

In this session, participants will explore pastoral work’s helping skills, including active listening, providing support, and validating feelings.

In this session, participants will discuss the crucial skill of empathy in assisting others. Participants will have the opportunity to practice this skill during the session. Additionally, participants will thoroughly explore the practice of maintaining boundaries, as clear and established limits in our work contribute to safe and effective connections.

In this session, participants will cultivate self-awareness; they will be prompted to reflect on and acknowledge their strengths, challenges, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions.

In this session, participants will explore their own spiritual journey and recognize its manifestations in their personal lives and within the community. It will delve into cultural diversity, other religious denominations, and spiritual practices within the parish, examining their impact on individual and community life. Additionally, the session will address spiritual accompaniment and religious practices, differentiating between them and exploring their potential synergy.

In this session, participants will learn when to refer individuals to professional help, understand the significance of confidentiality in pastoral work, and recognize the boundaries of confidentiality.

The course will take place on Mondays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

This course will be offered in English, for the version in Maltese here:

11th November 2024Learning how to listen, contain and validate feelings
18th November 2024Learning how to empathise while keeping healthy boundaries
25th November 2024Learning how to support others emotionally as a pastoral worker/non-professional
2nd December 2024How to support others spiritually as a pastoral worker/non-professional
9th December 2024Learning when, where and how to refer someone to professional help

This course has three exit certificate options:

  1. Certificate of Attendance

To obtain a Certificate of Attendance, students must attend all the course contact hours. 

2. Certificate of Participation

To obtain a Certificate of Participation, students must attend all the contact hours and pass the short multiple-choice online exam. 

3. Certificate of Achievement 

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must: 

  • attend all the contact hours;  
  • pass the short multiple-choice online exam; 
  • and successfully complete a Case Study Analysis;

Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Language: Participants must have a primary level understanding of English.

Digital: Participants must know how to access the internet and use office suites.

Emotional Support In The Community: Basic Skills for Dar il-Kaptan

  Dar il-Kaptan, Imtarfa

The aim of this course is to empower individuals without academic backgrounds in psychology, such as pastoral workers, volunteers, and others interested in enhancing their fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes for interacting effectively with parishioners or others. This course introduces participants to helping skills, theories, and approaches.

Through study and discussion, students gain awareness of tools that assist them in their work with people from diverse cultural and social backgrounds. The course provides an opportunity to reflect on methods used in their work and relationships and evaluate their effectiveness.

By the end of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Understand the basic theories and skills of helping.
  • Know how to listen and respond appropriately.
  • Provide emotional and spiritual support.
  • Identify when to refer someone to professional help.

Individuals without an academic background in psychology, including:

  • Those who regularly provide support and companionship to colleagues and friends in their workplace, family, etc.
  • Pastoral workers, volunteers, or individuals who interact with people in need or visit residential homes.

Target Audience Age: 18+

In this session, participants will explore pastoral work’s helping skills, including active listening, providing support, and validating feelings.

In this session, participants will discuss the crucial skill of empathy in assisting others. Participants will have the opportunity to practice this skill during the session. Additionally, participants will thoroughly explore the practice of maintaining boundaries, as clear and established limits in our work contribute to safe and effective connections.

In this session, participants will cultivate self-awareness; they will be prompted to reflect on and acknowledge their strengths, challenges, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions.

In this session, participants will explore their own spiritual journey and recognize its manifestations in their personal lives and within the community. It will delve into cultural diversity, other religious denominations, and spiritual practices within the parish, examining their impact on individual and community life. Additionally, the session will address spiritual accompaniment and religious practices, differentiating between them and exploring their potential synergy.

In this session, participants will learn when to refer individuals to professional help, understand the significance of confidentiality in pastoral work, and recognize the boundaries of confidentiality.


2nd January 2025
9:30am – 2:30pm
Seminar 1
3rd January 2025
8:30am – 3:30pm
Seminar 2

This course has three exit certificate options:

  1. Certificate of Attendance

To obtain a Certificate of Attendance, students must attend all the course contact hours. 

2. Certificate of Participation

To obtain a Certificate of Participation, students must attend all the contact hours and pass the short multiple-choice online exam. 

3. Certificate of Achievement 

To obtain a Certificate of Achievement, students must: 

  • attend all the contact hours;  
  • pass the short multiple-choice online exam; 
  • and successfully complete a Case Study Analysis;

Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Language: Participants must have a primary level understanding of Maltese and English.

Digital: Participants must know how to access the internet and use office suites.

Basic Media Literacy Education

This course offers an in-depth exploration of Media Literacy Education (MLE) within the context of theology and pastoral ministries. It investigates the significant impact of the digital and virtual worlds on individuals and communities, underscoring how these influences continuously shape our identities and perspectives.

Adopting a critical approach, the course examines the benefits and challenges presented by various media forms. It emphasizes the need for discernment and critical thinking to effectively navigate today’s complex media landscape. Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of media literacy education and its vital role in modern society.

This course is designed for pastoral workers who contribute to the digital presence of their parish and/or organization, as well as individuals who seek to deepen their understanding of Media Literacy Education.

Target Audience Age: 19+

The course will be available from February 2025

The course will be delivered entirely through a series of pre-recorded lectures accessible on our VLE platform at a time and place convenient for you.

The Digital and Virtual Worlds That Shape Us: A Source of Continuous Influence

Benefits and Challenges of Media

What is Media Literacy Education?

The Three Main Pillars of the M.L.E.: Content, Audience and Technical Languages

Basic Principles of M.L.E.

The need of M.L.E. in Theology and Pastoral Ministries in the Church

Pastoral Application of the M.L.E. Pillars

Pastoral Application of the M.L.E. Principles

Understanding and Addressing an Audience

How to Address the Different Aspects of a Person

The Importance of the Pedagogical Narrative: A Guide to Using Digital Technologies as Means to Bridge Catechesis and the Human Experience

The Importance of the Creative Message

Education for Critical Thinking: Inseparable Elements of A Holistic Education

Participants will be equipped with a toolkit to explore and utilize creative tools for preparing materials tailored to pastoral work, enhancing their ability to engage effectively in their ministries.

This course has one exit certificate option:

1. Certificate of Participation

To obtain a Certificate of Participation, students must view all videos and pass from all short multiple-choice exams.

Language: Applicants must be proficient in both Maltese and English.

Digital: Applicants must be digitally literate particularly, in use of office suites and internet access.